Social Media icon set · 1
The Social Media icon set · 1 includes
12 vector icons: 11 Social Media icons*
and 1 RSS icon.
To give you some “extra juice”,
you’ll receive all 12 icons as layered
Photoshop files, too, each one in 5 sizes.
Take a look below... :)
FILES: .ai, .eps + .psd
*Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus,
Dribbble, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest,
LinkedIn, Flickr, MySpace and Foursquare
Download the FREE
Social Media icon set · 1
and use the icons as you wish...
any kind of personal and commercial
use, without any limitation -
NO right to be included in personal
and/or collective portfolios -
NO right for distribution
and NO right for sale
Any backlink to www.onemanzoo.com
and any mention on social media sites
are more than welcome.
They will stimulate me to come up
with more FREE goodies...
Thank you!
Zoltan Sebestyen
Digital designer & creative director
100% FREE icon set
There are NO restrictions,
the icons from
Social Media icon set · 1
can be used in any personal
and any commercial project.
The logos of the
Social Media sites included
into the 11 icons from
Social Media icon set · 1
are presented in an artistic manner,
slightly different from
the original ones.
All the copyrights
of the original logos these
11 icons are referring to
belong to their legal owners.